Improvement: Environment Variables and Secrets Management

If you use Qovery, you probably must manage your Environment Variables. It's one of the most used features! We've recently introduced several improvements to make this process more efficient and user-friendly. Here’s what you can expect from it ✨

Romaric Philogène

Romaric Philogène

May 15, 2024 · 1 min read
Improvement: Environment Variables and Secrets Management - Qovery

#Project and Environment Env Var Views

Previously, configuring environment variables required delving into each service individually. Now, you can set these variables directly from the project and environment views. This new feature eliminates unnecessary steps, allowing you to manage your environment variables conveniently and efficiently.

#Bulk Actions for Environment Variables

We understand that handling multiple environment variables can be time-consuming. To address this, we've introduced bulk actions. You can now select multiple environment variables and perform bulk deletions in one go. This capability significantly reduces the time and effort needed to manage large sets of variables.

#Simplified Scope Selection

We have improved the scope selection for environment variables to prevent errors and streamline the process. Now, only the relevant scope options are displayed when setting a variable. This change eliminates confusion and ensures you can only select available scopes.

#Wrapping up

These updates are designed to simplify the management of environment variables, saving time and reducing potential errors. We believe these enhancements will make your experience with Qovery even better.

We will incorporate more improvements in future releases, so stay tuned for updates, and as always, happy coding!

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