Open-Source DevOps AI Agent: Effortless Migration from Heroku to AWS

Migrating applications from a Platform as a Service (PaaS) to a cloud platform is often a complex, time-consuming, and expensive process. Companies using PaaS platforms like Heroku, Render,, Railway, Vercel, Netlify, and many others frequently delay this migration despite needing enhanced security, compliance, technical capabilities, and greater control over their infrastructure. One of the main reasons is the lack of time and resources, coupled with the desire to retain the seamless experience these PaaS platforms provide — a challenge that Qovery effectively solves.

Today, we're excited to announce the launch of our open-source DevOps AI Agent, a tool designed to help you migrate your workloads from Heroku and similar PaaS platforms to AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Scaleway via Qovery with minimal effort and zero cost. Leveraging our experience at Qovery — where we've assisted over 400 projects in seamless migrations — we've created a solution that simplifies the migration journey while offering significant time and cost savings.

Romaric Philogène

Romaric Philogène

September 15, 2024 · 5 min read
Open-Source DevOps AI Agent: Effortless Migration from Heroku to AWS - Qovery

#Getting Started

We're excited to make this tool accessible to everyone. You can get started in two ways:

#1. Download the Project Locally

  • Access the Code: Visit our GitHub repository to download the DevOps AI Agent.
  • Run Locally: Follow the instructions in the repository to set up the AI Agent on your local machine.
  • Customize: Adapt the tool to meet your specific needs or contribute to its development.

#2. Use the Web Interface

Qovery AI Migration Agent Web Page
Qovery AI Migration Agent Web Page
  • Online Migration: Visit to use the AI Agent through a user-friendly web interface.
  • No Installation Required: Start your migration process without any local setup.
  • Guided Process: The web interface provides step-by-step guidance to ensure a smooth migration.


Once you have executed the process via the web interface or locally, you should see a final result with multiple Terraform, Dockerfile, and markdown files like this:

├── Dockerfile*

So you can review them and ultimately execute them to run the migration process.

#Demo Video

To see the DevOps AI Agent and Qovery in action, watch our demo video:

In the video, we walk you through:

  • How the AI Agent Works: A detailed explanation of the migration process.
  • Live Demonstration: Watch as we migrate a sample application from Heroku to AWS using Qovery.

#More Context

#The Challenge: Moving Away from PaaS Platforms

PaaS platforms have been a go-to choice for developers due to their simplicity and ease of use. They handle much of the underlying infrastructure, allowing teams to focus on writing code rather than managing servers.

AWS + Qovery vs. Heroku
AWS + Qovery vs. Heroku

However, as applications scale and business requirements evolve, companies often find themselves needing:

  • Enhanced Security: More robust security features and compliance certifications.
  • Greater Control: Fine-grained control over infrastructure configurations.
  • Advanced Technical Capabilities: Access to specialized services and customization options not available on PaaS platforms.

Despite these needs, companies delay migration because:

  • Time Constraints: The migration process is perceived as time-consuming.
  • Financial Barriers: High costs associated with hiring consultants or dedicating internal resources.
  • User Experience Loss: Reluctance to lose the familiar and straightforward experience provided by PaaS platforms.

#Our Solution: The DevOps AI Agent and Qovery

Our DevOps AI Agent automates the migration process, addressing the challenges that companies face when moving away from PaaS platforms. When combined with Qovery, it offers a Heroku-like experience on top of your preferred cloud provider, ensuring you don't have to sacrifice usability for functionality.

Key Benefits

  • Time Savings: Reduce migration time from weeks to days.
  • Cost Efficiency: Eliminate the need for expensive consulting services.
  • Cost Estimation: Qovery Migration AI Agent does estimate your infrastructure costs after migration.
  • Ease of Use: Maintain a PaaS-like experience with Qovery's intuitive interface.
  • Multi-Cloud Support: Choose between AWS, GCP, Azure, and Scaleway based on your needs.
  • Open-Source: Freely available for anyone to use and contribute to.
Qovery Migration AI Agent does a Cost Estimation of Your Cloud Costs after Migration
Qovery Migration AI Agent does a Cost Estimation of Your Cloud Costs after Migration

#Why is Qovery on Top of AWS and Others?

While major cloud providers offer a comprehensive suite of services, their complexity can be a hurdle for teams accustomed to the simplicity of PaaS platforms.

Qovery is the Simplest Platform to Manage Your Apps on AWS, GCP, and Azure
Qovery is the Simplest Platform to Manage Your Apps on AWS, GCP, and Azure

Qovery bridges this gap by offering:

  • Heroku-Like Simplicity: Qovery provides a developer-friendly environment that mirrors the ease of use of platforms like Heroku.
  • Automated Infrastructure Management: Handles Kubernetes cluster management, scaling, and load balancing without manual intervention (zero day-2 operation).
  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: Benefit from the robust security features and compliance certifications of AWS, GCP, Azure, or Scaleway.
  • Full Control and Customization: Gain fine-grained control over your infrastructure configurations.
  • Access to Advanced Cloud Services: Utilize specialized services unavailable on traditional PaaS platforms.
  • Flexibility: Choose the cloud provider that best fits your business needs or use multiple providers simultaneously.

#How the AI Agent and Qovery Simplify Migration

The AI Agent automates the migration process, while Qovery ensures you retain the user experience you're accustomed to.

Qovery Migration AI Agent Flowchart (with Mermaid)
Qovery Migration AI Agent Flowchart (with Mermaid)
  1. Assessment: The AI Agent scans your PaaS environment to identify applications, databases, and dependencies.
  2. Mapping: It maps these components to services on your chosen cloud provider and configures them within Qovery.
  3. Configuration Generation: Automatically creates the necessary infrastructure-as-code configurations and deployment scripts.
  4. Deployment: Uses Qovery to deploy your applications seamlessly on AWS, GCP, Azure, or Scaleway.
  5. Management: Qovery provides an intuitive interface to manage your applications post-migration, preserving the ease of use you enjoyed on your previous PaaS.

#Time and Economic Advantages

#Time Savings

  • Rapid Deployment: Automated processes significantly reduce migration time.
  • Minimal Learning Curve: Qovery's familiar environment means your team can transition without extensive retraining.
  • Reduced Downtime: Efficient migration minimizes service interruptions.

#Cost Savings

  • No Consulting Fees: Save the $10k+ typically spent on professional migration services.
  • Efficient Resource Utilization: Qovery optimizes resource usage on your chosen cloud provider, potentially lowering operational costs.
  • Avoid Over-Provisioning: Dynamic scaling ensures you pay only for the resources you need.

#Get Involved: Join the Open-Source Community

We're excited to share this tool with the community and invite you to contribute.

  • Contribute: Help us improve by reporting issues, suggesting features, or submitting pull requests on GitHub.
  • Collaborate: Join discussions with other developers and share your migration experiences.
  • Stay Updated: Follow our Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest news.

#Ready to Simplify Your Migration?

If you want to move away from your current PaaS platform without the usual complexities and costs, our open-source DevOps AI Agent combined with Qovery offers a streamlined, cost-effective solution. Experience the power and flexibility of AWS, GCP, Azure, or Scaleway with the simplicity and user experience of your favorite PaaS, all while enjoying the added benefits of a platform validated by AWS and trusted by industry leaders.


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