Hyperline eliminates DevOps overhead and accelerates time-to-market with Qovery!

Hyperline is an end-to-end billing platform to manage all your financial operations. By providing a platform that simplifies billing processes and integrates seamlessly with payment providers. Clément Garbay is the CTO & Co-founder of Hyperline.

Clément Garbay

#Key Results

  • Eliminated the Need for a Dedicated DevOps Engineer, saving significant costs
  • Accelerated Time-to-Market, enabling faster delivery of new features and improvements
  • Enhanced Developer Experience, allowing developers to manage infrastructure confidently
  • Improved Confidence in Shipping, leading to faster and more reliable deployments
  • Streamlined Multi-Environment Management across multiple clusters


Hyperline, a fast-growing fintech company disrupting the billing space, faced challenges in scaling its infrastructure without diverting valuable resources from product development. Initially relying on Heroku, they encountered limitations in control, visibility, and scalability. Lacking internal DevOps expertise and seeking to avoid the costs of hiring dedicated personnel, Hyperline partnered with Qovery to streamline their infrastructure management. By leveraging Qovery’s platform, Hyperline eliminated the need for a DevOps engineer, enhanced their developer experience, and empowered their CTO and development team to focus on innovation and delivery.

#The Challenge

#Outgrowing Heroku

As a startup aiming to deliver high-quality, innovative billing solutions, Hyperline initially chose Heroku for its simplicity and ease of use. However, they soon faced significant limitations:

  • Lack of control and visibility: Heroku’s opaque nature made it difficult to understand and manage the underlying infrastructure components.
  • Cost concerns: The expenses associated with Heroku were not negligible for their stage, impacting their financial efficiency.
  • Single environment constraints: Operating with only one environment hindered their ability to perform proper testing and QA, increasing the risk of breaking changes affecting production.
  • Limited support: As a startup, Hyperline didn’t have access to dedicated support from Heroku, leading to delays in resolving issues.

“Heroku was manual and opaque. We had no control over the infrastructure, and the support wasn’t really there for smaller companies like us. The costs were also significant for our stage.”—Clément Garbay, Co-founder and CTO of Hyperline

#Lack of DevOps Expertise

Clément had experience with AWS from his previous roles and recognized its potential for greater control and scalability. However, neither he nor his team possessed the deep DevOps expertise required to set up and manage AWS infrastructure effectively.

Hiring a full-time DevOps engineer was considered but quickly ruled out due to:

  • Cost constraints: Bringing on a dedicated DevOps professional would significantly increase operational expenses.
  • Resource allocation: The team wanted to focus their limited resources on product development and innovation, not on building and maintaining infrastructure.
  • Maintenance overhead: Even with external help, they would need ongoing support to manage and update the infrastructure, adding to the complexity.

“We didn’t have the internal competency, and setting up everything and implementing best practices would have required time and resources we didn’t have at this stage.”—Clément Garbay, Co-founder and CTO of Hyperline

#Need for a Scalable, Cost-Effective Solution

Hyperline needed a solution that could:

  • Provide control and visibility: Allow them to manage and understand their infrastructure components.
  • Eliminate the need for dedicated DevOps staff: Reduce costs and keep the team focused on product innovation.
  • Enable multi-environment Management: Support multiple development, testing, and production environments without significant overhead.
  • Integrate seamlessly with existing tools: Work smoothly with their existing ecosystem and workflows.
  • Enhance Developer Experience: Make it easy for developers to manage infrastructure confidently.

#The Solution: Partnering with Qovery

#Streamlining Infrastructure Management & Accelerating Time-to-Market

Qovery emerged as the ideal solution, addressing Hyperline’s challenges on multiple fronts. By providing a platform that abstracts the complexities of AWS and Kubernetes, Qovery enabled Hyperline to manage its infrastructure effectively without needing in-house DevOps expertise.

“Within a few days, we had something running that replicates your previous setup but with multiple environments, greater control, best practices in place, extensibility, and future-proof capabilities.”—Clément Garbay, Co-founder and CTO of Hyperline

Beyond simplifying infrastructure management, Qovery offered several key benefits that aligned perfectly with Hyperline’s needs:

Accelerated implementation: The rapid set up time meant Hyperline could migrate from Heroku and have a fully functional infrastructure on AWS within days, not weeks or months.

Enhanced control and visibility: Qovery provided transparency into the infrastructure components, allowing Hyperline to understand and manage resources effectively.

Scalability and Flexibility: With Qovery, Hyperline could easily scale its infrastructure to meet growing demands without the overhead of complex configurations.

Cost efficiency: Qovery helped Hyperline reduce operational costs associated with infrastructure management by automating best practices and optimizing resource utilization.

Security and Compliance: Qovery ensured that infrastructure was provisioned with industry best practices for security, giving Hyperline confidence in their compliance with regulatory requirements.

Responsive support and expertise: Access to Qovery’s team provided Hyperline with expert guidance, helping them quickly optimize processes and resolve issues.

“Not only did Qovery simplify infrastructure management, but it also empowered our developers, reduced our costs, and gave us the confidence to scale,” he said. “With their support, we could optimize even further without needing in-house DevOps expertise.”—Clément Garbay, Co-founder and CTO of Hyperline

#Key Features That Made a Difference

  • Intuitive UI and Developer Experience: Qovery’s user-friendly interface made it easy for developers to manage infrastructure components without specialized knowledge.
    “The UI is super clear; it’s organized. Developers can modify the infrastructure, add a database when they need it, or create a new service—it’s hyper-easy,” Clément explained.
  • Qovery CLI: The command-line interface simplified tasks like connecting to pods or managing deployments, enhancing productivity.
    “The CLI is well designed. Even connecting to a pod in an environment is easy—the CLI takes care of it for us,” Clément noted.
  • Multi-environment management across multiple clusters: Qovery allowed Hyperline to manage multiple environments, including staging and production clusters, effortlessly.
    “We can clone our staging environment to test things—we can provision the entire infrastructure as it would be in production with one click. It’s really convenient,” Clément said.
  • Seamless integration with existing ecosystem: Qovery integrated well with Hyperline’s existing tools like Datadog for monitoring and observability.
    “Integrating with Datadog or other tools is pretty easy. We can deploy things around our infrastructure that integrate nicely,” Clément mentioned.
  • Elimination of DevOps overhead: By managing the infrastructure provisioning and applying best practices, Qovery removed the need for Hyperline to hire a dedicated DevOps engineer.
    “We didn’t have to think about setting up VPCs, networking, or security—it was created for us in a few minutes with best practices in place,” Clément said.


#Significant Cost Savings

Eliminated Need for Dedicated DevOps engineer. Hyperline avoided the substantial costs associated with hiring a full-time DevOps engineer.
“We didn’t have to hire someone full-time or rely on external expertise,” Clément affirmed. “Qovery orchestrated everything for us.”

#Accelerated Time-to-Market

Faster delivery of features. With infrastructure management simplified and developers empowered, Hyperline could develop and deploy new features more quickly.
“Freed from infrastructure concerns, we could focus on delivering new features faster,” Clément noted. “Our time-to-market has improved significantly.”

Improved release cycles. The ability to manage multiple environments and streamline deployments led to more frequent and reliable releases.
“We can deploy updates more frequently and reliably,” Clément said. “This agility is crucial for staying competitive in our industry.”

#Enhanced developer productivity

Empowered developers. Team members could manage infrastructure tasks confidently, speeding up development cycles.
“For developers, it’s become a no-brainer to modify infrastructure without having expertise in it,” Clément observed.

Reduced bottlenecks. With developers handling more tasks independently, the team moved faster and more efficiently.

#Focused on Product Innovation

Reduced mental load. The CTO and development team no longer had to worry about infrastructure complexities.
“We don’t have to worry about how to do things or what to do—Qovery is there for that,” Clément said. “It has significantly reduced the mental load for me and the team.”

Accelerated innovation. With more time and resources, the team could focus on innovating and improving the product.

#Improved deployment confidence

Multiple environments for testing. The ability to test in environments identical to production reduced the risk of bugs and issues.
“We have 100% confidence in the components we control on a top-tier cloud provider,” Clément emphasized. “It’s reassuring.”

Faster, Reliable Releases. Streamlined processes enabled Hyperline to deploy updates more frequently and reliably.

#Optimized Processes Through Expert Support

Access to expertise. Qovery’s responsive support helped Hyperline optimize its infrastructure and processes beyond the initial setup.
“Qovery’s team is like our own DevOps experts on call,” Clément remarked. “Their guidance has helped us go further and optimize even more.”

Continual improvement. With ongoing assistance, Hyperline could continuously enhance its operations without adding internal overhead.

#Future Plans

Scaling with Qovery: Hyperline plans to continue growing with Qovery, confident that the platform can support their evolving needs.
“We can grow with Qovery, and if we need more specific things in the future, we have the possibility to expand,” Clément noted.

Optimizing Costs: Hyperline is exploring ways to optimize costs further, leveraging Qovery’s features and collaborating on solutions like autoscaling.
“We have discussions on how to manage costs as we grow, and I trust the team to help us find the right direction,” Clément said.


By partnering with Qovery, Hyperline eliminated the need for a dedicated DevOps engineer, enhanced their developer experience, and empowered their CTO and development team to focus on product innovation and delivery. Qovery provided a scalable, cost-effective solution that integrated seamlessly with Hyperline’s existing tools, enabling them to manage multiple environments confidently and ship products faster.

“Qovery was a no-brainer for us,” said Clément Garbay, Co-founder and CTO of Hyperline. “It orchestrated everything, applied best practices, and allowed us to focus on where we bring value—product development.”

#About Clément Garbay

Clément Garbay is the Co-founder and CTO of Hyperline, overseeing product and engineering. With a mission to deliver the best product in the market with high velocity and quality, Clément focuses on innovation in a space ripe for disruption. He values solutions that allow his team to concentrate on adding product value without the overhead of managing complex infrastructure.

#About Hyperline

Hyperline is an end-to-end billing platform to manage all your financial operations from quote to cash. By providing a platform that simplifies billing processes and integrates seamlessly with payment providers, Hyperline enables businesses to deliver value efficiently and effectively.

#About Qovery

Qovery is an all-in-one DevOps automation platform that simplifies cloud infrastructure management on AWS, GCP, and Azure. By abstracting the complexities of Kubernetes and cloud services, Qovery enables developers to deploy applications effortlessly.
Ready to see Qovery in action? Discover how Qovery can empower your team and simplify your deployment process. Schedule a Demo Today!!

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