Project general settings panel, VPC subnet and static IP, Routing table in "cluster setting" ...
Welcome to the 5th Changelog! Our team is getting stronger as we welcomed a new developer on the core team and we can already see the change as we had the time to build lots of amazing features during the past two weeks. 🤩
#ADDED - Project general settings panel
You can now edit your project name and description straight from this brand new setting panel. Small improvement here? Absolutely, but it can be very convenient if you had a typo or if you want to give more information about the project to the rest of the team.

#ADDED - VPC subnet and static IP
While setting up an AWS cluster, you can now choose to add some extra features.
The first one: static IP, will allow your cluster to be visible only from a fixed number of public IP
The second one: Custom VPC subnet, will let you select VPC subnet by yourself (for VPC peering). By default, the VPC subnet is automatically set by Qovery.
NB: those features won't be modifiable after the cluster creation.

#ADDED - Routing table in "cluster setting"
Inside the cluster settings, navigate to the "Network" tab and you can now consult the routing table but also create, edit, remove one or more routes.

#ADDED - Deployment history
When you work as a team, or if you deploy a lot of applications, it can get hard to keep track of all of your deployments. That's why we build a page for your deployment history where you can see your deployment by ascending order, status (In progress -not available yet-, Error, ready), number of services updated in the deployment and much more.

#ADDED - Pod_name
Again, this small addition is here to make your life easier by giving you the unique name of the instances in the application/pod.

#CHANGED/ ADDED- Rollback + Update
If you've been reading our last changelogs, you probably remember the rollback feature that we launch during the last sprint. It was already very cool, but we decided to make it even cooler.
First, we decided to display the commit message straight away and remove the mouse hovering and then we completely changed the modal to make it clearer and with a filter by commit id.
The second addition is that you can now update all applications on the environment service list. Just head to the environment page and select "update all" in the "action button and a list of all your applications will appear, if there are applications that you do not wish to update, you can unselect them.

#Smaller improvements and fixes
- FIXED - Error when rollback an application with "DEPLOYMENT_ERROR" status
- FIXED - Environment variables hierarchy is broken
- FIXED - Variable names are not shown completely
- FIXED - Dockerfile path text is hidden when the application path name is too long