Choose database accessibility at creation, Edit database accessibility...
Welcome to our 9th changelog! While a part of our team is working hard on the V3, the rest of the team is focusing on shipping the last very important features that are necessary for the V2 and that will, hopefully, make your Qovery journey smooth sailing.
#ADDED - Choose database accessibility at creation
You always wanted to define the accessibility of our database, so that you can control who has access to it? Well, dreams do really come true because it’s now possible. When you create your database, you now have the option to choose between public or private in the database creation modal.

#ADDED - Edit database accessibility
Have you already created a database but want to change its accessibility? It is also possible, you just head to the database setting modal and switch the accessibility from public to private or vice versa.

#ADDED - Recommendation on the articles page
At Qovery, the whole team spends some dedicated time to creating articles, it can go from “how Qovery works under the hood” to “Guide to AWS load balancer”, whatever is your cup of tea, we have the right fit for you and this new small feature will give you other articles to read once you’re done with the first one so you can dive deep into the product.

#CHANGED - Specify buildpack language
We shipped the first version of buildpack a few months ago and as much as it was a good start, it wasn’t supporting enough frameworks. Now the list goes from “Ruby” to “Go” passing by “Clojure” or “Scala”.

#CHANGED - Improve feedback after setting update
We added some informative toasted that tells you when to redeploy your service to take into account your last update so you don’t need to think about it and you can focus on the more important part of your business.

#CHANGED - Improve environment and services deployment status visibility
It’s always good to know what is the current status of the service deployment and environment deployment so we decided to display it.

#Smaller improvements and fixes
- ADDED - Copy button in confirmation modal
- CHANGED - Improvements on instant application metrics view
- CHANGED - Ensure minimum resource setting for cluster upgrade/application update
- CHANGED - Rename "Rollback and Update" entry point to "Deploy other version”
- CHANGED - Remove "Coming soon" entry points
- FIXED - Instance requested field always returning "no data”
- FIXED - Breadcrumb was missing on the database page