New service list, advanced settings for self-managed clusters, RDS certificates update, environment variable improvements ...
Hello Team,
We have been working hard over the past weeks to deliver you some exciting news on our product, check this out:
#New Service list
We are completely reviewing the experience around the service creation flow to provide a guided path and templates to create new services quickly.
The new service list is accessible from the "New service" button and will propose (on top of the basic services Application, Helm, Cronjob etc..) a set of templates. Checkout our video:
This is the first version and we are actively working on adding new templates and improving the overall experience, feel free to raise your feedback on our forum!
#Environment variable view improvements
We have introduced a few improvements on the environment variables view to improve the overall experience.
You can now:
- sort the variables by name
- bulk delete them using the checkbox next to the variables name

#Advanced settings for self-managed clusters
We have added the advanced settings feature on self-managed clusters to let you customize some Qovery behaviour on your cluster.

For example, you can now customise the storageClass to be used when deploying a container database or a disk for your application. Check out our cluster advanced settings documentation.
#RDS certificates update
As shared on our forum, we have proceeded with the update of the certificates used by your RDS instances. Please re-deploy your Managed databases via the Qovery console, the change will be applied on the next maintenance window of your RDS instance (check your AWS console).
#Minor updates:
- See services linked to an annotation group: You can now see the services linked to an annotation group from within the annotation group setting page.
- See annotations values in the creation flow: You can now see the annotation values linked to an annotation group when assigning it to a service within the creation flow.
- Added helper button in settings: we have added a helper button in every settings page. This will open the Qovery helper with all the documentation related to the specific section
These updates are aimed at improving usability, performance, and flexibility, empowering you to deploy with confidence and efficiency.
For the latest news and upcoming features, remember to check out
Happy Deploying!
The Qovery Team 🚀